Txn Hash | Method | Block | Time / Age | From | To | Value | Txn Fee | Txn Type | |
Transfer | 18731688 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 1.686311675000857578 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Transfer | 18731445 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 0 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Transfer | 18731438 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 2 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Transfer | 18731213 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 250.770171290397 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Swap Exact Tokens For ETH | 18731208 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 0 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens | 18731197 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 0 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Transfer | 18731190 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 10 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Transfer | 18731103 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 9.742440452905787782 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Transfer | 18731067 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 0 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Multicall | 18730992 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 0 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Transfer | 18730986 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 2 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Approve | 18730950 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 0 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Transfer | 18661010 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 1,044.31445843839871978 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Swap Exact Tokens For ETH | 18661003 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 0 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Swap Exact Tokens For ETH | 18661000 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 0 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Transfer | 18660995 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 2 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Remove Liquidity | 18660971 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 0 CRO | EIP-1559 | |||||
Approve | 18660965 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 0 CRO | EIP-1559 | |||||
Transfer | 18660960 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 5 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Transfer | 18660903 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 780.192434183337280829 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Swap Exact Tokens For ETH | 18660897 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 0 CRO | Legacy | |||||
Swap Exact Tokens For ETH | 18660887 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 0 CRO | EIP-1559 | |||||
Remove Liquidity With Permit | 18660881 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 0 CRO | EIP-1559 | |||||
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens | 18660871 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 0 CRO | EIP-1559 | |||||
Transfer | 18660865 | Burn Cro: Deployer | 5 CRO | Legacy |